Treatment with Unani Tibb Medicine
“…to look at what ‘story’ the body tells us
of its present state of health.”
Much like a gardener observing the story of the garden and tending to it accordingly, your body is “garden” which shows signs of health, or illness in areas needing expert compassionate attention from the gardener.
The practitioner of Unani Tibb Medicine is trained like a gardener to look at the ‘Story’ your body tells of its present state of health. At the Garden Clinic, our practice is to read you from a bio-psycho-social perspective and to uncover the patterns and narratives of your life so far.
Unani Tibb practiced in our clinic is taking on the role of an attentive gardener helping you tend to all aspects of your living being. Did you know that the tongue can tell us about your digestive health, or that mineral deficiencies can be detected by the state of your nails?
We begin by exploring the present bodily state
by completing an analysis of the face,
tongue, and hands, including the nails and your pulse.
Each part reveals the happenings of the story in its present “state,”
to understand what the body needs.
We can uncover nutritional deficiencies and bodily systems
that require optimisation to return to wholeness.
What to expect
This initial appointment is like a spotlight on the body and emotions and looks to address the state of the body, mind and the environment it finds itself in, in sum explaining your personal narrative on all levels of being.
As an insightful approach, we will give you a greater understanding and appreciation of the innate qualities of your “garden” and its strengths and weaknesses, which open a wider entry into a better understanding of yourself.
From the initial consultation, we set a course forward should you wish to make lifestyle and diet amendments. We will look at booking future consultations that will look at ways to make life more whole and balanced.
Consultation fee: £50 for 60 minutes of profound discovery into your personal story.
The History of Unani Tibb Medicine
“All these traditional medical systems seek to harmonize the health of the individual with the Universal Life Forces of Nature and the Cosmos.”
Harmonisation of Health
As a traditional holistic healing system, Greek Medicine has a lot in common with Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. All these traditional medical systems seek to harmonize the health of the individual with the Universal Life Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. Like Ayurveda, Greek Medicine is humorally and constitutionally based. Like Chinese Medicine, Greek Medicine seeks a balance, or homeostasis, between opposite yet complementary forces of Nature.
An Experience of Fire, Water, Earth and Air
Unani medicine has similarities to Ayurvedic medicine being based on the theory of the elements: fire, water, earth and air, which make up our physical being. Tibb is based on the Greek concept of humours: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Each person’s unique mixture of these humours and elements determines their temperament. Accordingly, the practitioner keeps the patient’s temperament internally balanced and in harmony with the environment through treatment and appropriate changes in lifestyle and diet.
Reviving the History of Modern Medicine
Greek Medicine is also the traditional medical system out of which modern medicine evolved. In the basic notions and concepts of Greek Medicine we can see the fundamental assumptions and orientations that have guided the development of modern medicine.
“The basic ideas, philosophies and archetypes that underly Greek Medicine are not foreign but rather indigenous to Western civilization and culture.”
And so, reviving Greek Medicine as a holistic healing system can have a profound healing and regenerative effect on Western civilization itself, and create a renewed appreciation and respect for our relationship with Nature. Greek Medicine offers a wealth of natural remedies, treatments and therapies to heal body, mind and spirit.
Sources of Inspiration for Healers
“Galen, Dioscorides and Avicenna, who is also known as Ibn Sina, are brilliant sources of inspiration for natural healers for all time.”
Greek Medicine was first codified and systematised by the Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates in the 4th century B.C.E. and was subsequently developed and expanded by other physicians, most notably Galen, Dioscorides and Avicenna, who is also known as Ibn Sina. In the Islamic world, Greek Medicine is known as Unani Medicine or Unani Tibb. "Unani" is the Arabic word for "Ionian", or Greek.
Greek Medicine is the original source and inspiration for many other natural, holistic and alternative medical systems that developed in Europe and the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries, which include homeopathy, naturopathy, and chiropractic. The exemplary life and teachings of its founder, Hippocrates has provided a shining source of inspiration to natural healers through the ages.